Analyse von Faktoren, die die Qualität der Titanpipeline beeinflussen, und Kontrollmaßnahmen


        There are many types of titanium alloys, so the processing technology and methods of titanium pipes are different, and there are many factors affecting the quality of pipes. The main influencing factors and control measures are listed below.


1. Alloy quality:

Problem Description:

The formation of high-density inclusions, segregation or brittle hard phase leads to uneven pipe forming and cracks or even cracks during pipe production.

Control measures:

1. Multiple vacuum consumable smelting is adopted.

2. Reduce the melting current and slow down the melting speed.

3. Use a good electron beam cooling bed furnace for melting.


2. Hollow billet quality:

Problem Description:

1. Extruded titanium hollow billet has fine structure and good plasticity, but the equipment is complex and the investment is large;

2. The billet with cross rolling perforation has coarse structure, poor plasticity and good surface quality.

Control measures:

1. Extrusion processing is applicable to the production of titanium tubes with low strength and high dimensional accuracy.

2. The cross rolling piercing process is suitable for the production of titanium tube billets with high strength, fixed specification and large batch.


3. Heat treatment:

Problem Description:

Too high temperature will lead to coarse structure, too low will lead to underannealing, residual stress and work hardening can not be eliminated, affecting subsequent processing and finished product performance.

Control measures:

1. The transformation point of the alloy shall be accurately measured for each batch of materials.

2. A reasonable heat treatment process is formulated in combination with the pipe plus t path and the mechanical properties of the alloy.

3. Strictly control the atmosphere of heat treatment.


4. Deformation:

Problem Description:

1. Excessive deformation of titanium pipes will lead to poor surface quality, cracks, cracks, etc.

2. If the deformation is small, the coarse original grains cannot be broken, the mechanical properties of the pipe are low and the production efficiency is low.

Control measures:

1. The processing passes shall be arranged reasonably according to the allowable pass deformation and large cumulative deformation.

2. Pay attention to the matching of Q value and deformation, so as to produce beneficial texture orientation.


5. Lubrication process:

Problem Description:

The lubricant with high efficiency can reduce the plastic forming resistance, maintain the surface quality of pipes, prevent local overheating and reduce the loss of tools and dies.

Control measures:

1. Considering the forming process of titanium pipe, the appropriate lubricant is selected according to the alloy characteristics.

2. Analyze the anatomical processing process and accurately design the combined lubricant.

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